Origin - MeineMitte - Engelkerzen

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Myths and truth:

First time my teacher got hold of an angelcandle was when a client showed it to him and asked whether he was able to find out how to make them. She had bought the candle in a monastery in Switzerland. That was about 1990. It didn't take long for my teacher to discover the candles secrets and soon afterwards he started to make them himself. Guided by the lady-clients story he added a flyer saying that these "angelcandles" where an old tradition of the monasteries in Switzerland. Thus a legend was born.
Many years later I contacted all monasteries possible in Switzerland and their archives, sended them pictures of the angelcandles in order to find out more about their origin. Confident in getting more information I was stupified to hear that they didn't know anything about these particular candles. Now I really became curious. It took me quite a while to learn that their origin lies within the Waldorf tradition. However, considering the facts I'm convinced of its truthfulness as the "decorative" style of the catholic church is rather straight whereas the education of art within the Waldorf schools seeks to find the harmony between emptiness and fullness. This idea is perfectly represented by the form, the twisted simplicity, of these marvelous candles.

More about Rudolph Steiner see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolf_Steiner

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